How Much Does a CFD Trading Cost?

CFD trades can take place in many different financial markets such as indices, commodities, stocks, currencies, bonds, etc. It gives an advantage to the trader/investor to trade on a much lesser amount of investment. Since the trader doesn’t own the commodity or instrument, therefore they save the taxes based on ownership. However, many other charges are levied on CFD Trading. They are as follows:

  • Commission Charges  

CFDs are subjected to commission charges on both opening and closing trade. The commission is charged based on the overall value of the trade. However, every trading includes commission charges, as there is some amount of minimum commission charge in each transaction. And this charge is quite common. It may range between 0.1% of the value of the underlying securities and go up to 0.25%. The best part while trading on currency based CFDs is that traders/investors have to pay lesser CFD trading commission fees as compared to stocks and also trading CFD on indices, currencies, commodities, and bonds are commission-free. 

  • Spread

The spread is the difference between the main prices of all the market, i.e. the Bid Price and the Offer Price. The bid price is the price at which the trader/investor can sell, whereas the offer price is the price at which the trader/investor can buy. The spread, on the other hand, is the difference between the two and impacts CFD trading immensely. The tighter the spread, the quicker the trade can potentially move into profit earning territory. 

  • Overnight Financing

Another type of CFD trading cost is Overnight Financing. It is a fee that the trader pays or receives to hold a trading position overnight on CFD trades that have no set expiry date. In other words, it is an interest payment to cover the cost of the leverage that the trader/investor used overnight. But these charges are competitive in order to keep the trading costs low. Overnight financing charges reflect the cost of borrowing or lending the underlying asset. 

  • Guaranteed Stop Loss Orders

Placing standard orders such as stops and limits don’t incur any charges. But a charge is incurred when a trader places a Guaranteed Stop Loss Order (GSLO). These are charged only upon the trigger and are non-refundable. However, this charge is not prevalent in all financial markets. 

  • Rolling CFD futures

This means rolling your trade into following contracts if required when the expiry of futures contracts is approaching. For this, you have to select the auto-roll tick box in the order ticket. Rolling over the next contract is much cheaper than to close and reopen the trade yourself, as in rolling you pay just half but in closing and opening you the full spread. If you are playing in the long run, then your position will get closed at the mid-price and re-open at the buy price of the next contract, and if you are playing in the short run, your position will get closed at the mid-price and reopen in the following month at the selling price.

Apart from all the trading charges, traders involved in CFDs are also required to deposit a certain amount of margin as defined by the broker. It usually ranges from 5% to 30%. The investor gets an advantage by depositing this amount into the account. It is that they don’t have to put the entire amount of the contract for difference in their account. However, they can control a much larger position which opens up the chances to amplifying potential returns or losses.


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